Rating: ★★★★☆
Synopsis: A well-written feel-good film with just the right amount of humor, seriousness, and relatableness that it captures your attention from the start. A good cast of characters and an ending that doesn't let you down and leaves you feeling satisfied. A good reminder that even when you're feeling that you're at your lowest, you can pick yourself up once again.
Full Review/Thoughts:
To be perfectly honest, I had never heard of the film begin again until I was perusing womanfreebies.com. I was just browsing the site when I stumbled upon a post about free movie tickets. Now, there's one thing my family will always tell you. Carissa loves free. Unfortunately today was the last day to use the coupon of (up to) four movie tickets. I posed the suggestion to my mom and then we went searching for the nearest theater that had the movie, picked a time, and went.
I don't exactly know what I had been expecting. I guess part comedy and part romance from the synopsis that I had read. Again, this was a last minute decision and I had never heard of the movie. However, I saw that Kiara Knightly and Mark Ruffalo were in it and I am fans of both actors. A good cast, decent sounding synopsis, and free tickets? Why not. So we sit down and find out that it's an independent film. Great! I love independent films and there are a lot of good ones out there. (Like The First Grader, if you haven't seen that movie I highly recommend it.)
So, we sit down and at first, I have the sense that it does seem very independent-ish. The way the beginning is filmed and the tone that is set. However, soon you forget that as the movie unfolds. It begins in a bar where there is open mic night. I first thought the male that was singing at the open mic night, Steve, was going to be the boyfriend that Gretta ended up having a fall-out with. However, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that he was instead a good friend of hers.
After that scene it goes back to that morning to show Dan's (or Ruffalo's character) morning and what led him to end up in that bar on open mic night. Having a disastrous day, Dan stumbles into the bar and we see how he sees and hears Gretta. He's immediately captivated and asks her to sign with him. After a bit more of their interaction he tells her that "No one leaves New York without something terrible having happened to them (Begin Again)."
The next scene shows Gretta reminiscing and we get her side of the story and how she ended up in the bar singing on open mic night.
The film continues as the two journey around the city in an attempt at first getting Gretta signed, and then to make the cd to take back to the recording company. The film shows the characters changing and growing as they interact with each other and the rest of the cast. Throw in some singing by Kiara Knightly of some original and interesting songs and you make for an enjoyable film that will keep you entertained throughout.
Now, as in most romantic movies or romantic comedies, one is always led to believe they'll know the ending. Boy and girl end up together. Whether it's the break up couple or the two leads that met. And I suppose this is a bit of a spoiler to say that it doesn't end that way. In a refreshing turn of events the movie ends differently. It leaves the viewer satisfied and at the same time doesn't have the same ending as most romcoms seem to.
Overall, it was a nice way to spend the afternoon and it was a movie I was glad I stumbled upon and had the time to see. Plus, I loved the soundtrack so much that I have been listening to it on Spotify as I write this review and work on other things around the house.
I give this indie film a four out of five stars and an over all well down to the cast and crew!
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