Friday, September 12, 2014

Book Review: Transformation

Author Website | Amazon | Goodreads

Rating: ★☆☆☆ 


Emily Winters was kidnapped as a teenager by Psi-Tech, a corrupt and power-hungry corporation that learned of her precognitive ability. Imprisoned for years and forced to use her talent to help a company thrive, she now reaches a point where she must escape or die. A natural disaster will cause chaos, death, and destruction throughout the entire world while transforming most of the survivors into psychics. After this happens, Psi-Tech will kill all of their prisoners to hide the evidence of their horrific crimes. 

Knowing how the disaster will affect her captors gives Emily one slim chance to escape. She must seize this opportunity to save not only herself but her brother as well who will die without a medical treatment that doesn’t yet exist.


As much as I tried to finish this book, I am having to list it as DFR.

The plot and cover were intriguing and so I was able to get a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

I still hold onto the fact that the main idea is a good one and is definitely intriguing.

However, I found it very difficult to connect with the text. I wasn't getting any real emotion or feeling from reading it. It just felt like a list of events to me and there wasn't that certain spark that I can usually feel with books. I wasn't intrigued by the writing. I felt there were a few too many conveniences that favored the main characters and just kind of allowed them to be semi-invincible or have opportunities or chances to do things other people wouldn't have. Then there were times that I felt some of the description was unnecessary and rather than adding to the story, it took away from it.

Maybe one day I can pick up this book again and finish it, but today is not that day.

(*Note: I was given a free copy of the ebook in exchange for an honest review from the author through LibraryThing.)

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